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Some Thoughts.

A Quick Tip

This blog topic is another cut from my book. There is a whole chapter in the book that discusses my recent career journey. Personal grocery shopping was a huge part of that journey for a couple years. That job helped pay our household bills and keep a roof over our heads. While I am relieved to not have to do that type of work anymore, I have immense repect for anyone that does. I also know the struggle that comes with delivery jobs and the uncomfortable issue of tipping, especially in this economy. 

This section was me advocating for personal shoppers and delivery drivers everywhere. It got too lengthy and out of place for the book, but it was important to find a place for it somewhere. 


Part 1


People who deliver goods and supplies are motivated hustlers. Most of them have more than one job. Shopping is usually a side hustle for people to make extra money or even compensate for the salary they earn from another job. They are sacrificing their time so you can save yours. They are skipping family time, household chores, or self-care to bring home supplemental income. Please respect and acknowledge the hustle.

 Please respect their time and efforts because they respect yours. They understand it is hard to do grocery shopping with all the other daily responsibilities. Just remember the day-to-day hustle and bustle is not exclusive to your life.

The people who make deliveries provide convenience and ease for others. Those provisions deserve compensation. Time and money are both resources. Money is replenishable; time is not.

I'm sure every person on the planet understands how mundane and time-consuming grocery shopping can be. It is not an exciting pastime for most people. If someone does this dreaded task for you, don't they deserve a tip?

I understand times are hard for many people, not just those delivering groceries or fast food. I am an able-bodied person, capable of driving to the store and shopping for my food and necessities. If I cannot afford a tip, I pick up my groceries myself.

Please tip those who get out in the crazy crowds and heavy traffic. Tip the people who do the mundane tasks so you can finally cut your grass or clean your house. Tip the people using their gas to bring you groceries so you can binge-watch your favorite show.

Tip the people who sustain wear and tear on their vehicle to provide a service to you. Tip the people who go to the store on Friday nights, Saturday afternoons, or Christmas Eve because you can't or don't want to.

And I get it; we live in a world where everyone wants a tip. The people making your sub, ice cream cone, or pizza have a jar or a line on the receipt to add a tip. Tip those people as you feel led. But if someone is delivering something to you, they should receive some gratuity.


Part 2



I've had heated discussions on this topic, not with customers but with other people in the community. It seems showing gratuity is a sensitive subject for a lot of people. I don't know why. It should be a no-brainer. I've heard plenty of excuses and reasons not to tip. The one I most despise is, 'You chose this job. Get a different one if you don't like it.'

Do we tell teachers to get a different job when they have unruly students? Do we tell nurses to get a different job when they are exhausted from double shifts because of staff shortages? Do we tell police officers to get a different job because the job is too dangerous and unpredictable? 

We understand that teachers, nurses, police officers, and several other occupations provide invaluable services. We need them, no matter how challenging their job is. And we need delivery people, fast food employees, and servers too. If the pandemic taught us anything, its hospitality workers are just as valuable as anyone in the community.

Another excuse I loathe is, 'Better yourself so you don't have to do that kind of work.' I would love for those people to define 'bettering yourself.' Value is not found only in what a person does for a living. We are so much more than our jobs.  I've 'bettered' myself, which has nothing to do with where I work.

Maybe someone enjoys being a server at their favorite restaurant. A person may need the flexibility a delivery job can provide because they can't afford childcare and must work around their spouse's schedule.

Someone may already have a job requiring a college degree, and this is their second or third job. Maybe a second job is required to make ends meet, or maybe they want to pay off debt or save for a family vacation.

 Or they may be trying to work their way through college. That person may want to avoid incurring student loan debt, so they aren't able to go back to school to get a different job.

We need to stop judging people by the tiny part of their life we can see. We usually have no idea what anyone else goes through. We need to stop valuing people solely on their occupation. We need to stop being selfish and start thinking about others, not just ourselves.

I am a real person. I've driven on treacherous roads and trudged through the snow-and ice-covered driveways and walkways with countless bags of groceries, to never receive a tip. I'll admit, I'm a little bitter. I also want to advocate for all the real people who have similar experiences.

In a world where we can order anything and have it arrive at our doorstep without ever leaving the couch, we forget real people are doing chores and running errands for us.

To the people that tip, your gratitude never goes unnoticed. You make up for the people who don't tip. Your generosity speaks volumes. Some people may not understand, but a tip is a nod of appreciation. A tip conveys the messages, 'I see you,' 'I see your hustle,' and 'Your effort does not go unnoticed.' It's always more than a tip.







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